A Shared journey
Your child’s key person will keep an online “learning journey” to track your child’s interests and progress whilst they are with us. The online document will be used by the key worker to plan specific activities for your child to help them take the next steps in their learning journey in order to tailor provision to ensure your child is able to reach their full potential and be in the best possible position to start their formal school career when they finish with us.
We always welcome parents to be involved in the development of the learning journey’s and feel it is really important to share with you what it is we are working with your child to achieve, so please feel free to look at your child’s journey and discuss it with your key person at any time. We do offer structured times to do this, at parents evenings and open mornings, but they are always available so you can choose a time that is suited to you.
We also encourage parents to tell us about significant achievements your child makes at home, and it is lovely if these can be added to their journey too! For example, we’d love you to come and tell us if your child has just learnt to use the potty, has developed a strong interest in insects or has learnt to ride their bike! These kind of things can be fed into the record and we can use that information to plan activities which your child will enjoy and succeed in.
We look forward to sharing in your child’s unique learning journey with you and the rest of your family!
Key worker creates a learning journal to plan specific activities for your child.
Parents are encouraged to look at, and discuss with the Key Worker, the learning journal at any time. Parents can also upload their own observations into the journal to show what the children have been up too outside of Preschool.
The Pre-School offer structured times for learning journal discussions, including annual parents evenings but you can also choose a time that suits you.
We also encourage parents to tell us about significant events that happen at home so they can be added to the learning journals too.